FS No.15
Decorative and Strong!
The optimum solution for decorative metal effect stitching. Three ply FS No.15 is decorative and inherently strong enough for general stitching.
Available in two golds, silver, copper and bronze shades, FS No.15 is superb for surface decoration even on coats, jeans and sport shoes......and of course trouble free sewing performance.
Care Instructions
5 x 20g (Spool)
- Art. No. 989
- dtex 660 den 590
- 35% metallised polyester
65% polyester
- 20 colors
10 x 100g (Cone)
- Art. No. 990
- dtex 660 den 590
- 35% metallised polyester
65% polyester
- 20 colors
Needle Recommendations: